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Teresa, Yoga Instructor
Certified teacher, federated by the European Union of Yoga . She meets with Yoga in Holland in 2004, during a residency of studies in Geographical Sciences. It was a love at first sight and her practice has continued uninterruptedly ever since.
After completing her studies as Landscape Geographer, she studies a Yoga teacher training at Sadhana (the first school in Spain to be certified at European level), she completes training as Aero Yoga teacher and then starts teaching Yoga in several private centers.
In the meantime she works in a little holistic shop that enables her to carry out awareness-raising and outreach work in the areas of health and self-knowledge. Her main interests at the moment are human anatomy applied to movement, eastern philosophies and every subject related to a healthy life style and planet.
Presently, she teaches Yoga at 9 Pies. In class, we work on flexibility and articular mobility (specially emphasizing the spine, since a supple spine is also a young one), strength, muscle tone, alignment, balance and coordination, breath and body awareness, mental calm and conscious practice in a non-competitive environment of acceptance and good energy.