Ten years sharing our passion

28 Mar
Ten years sharing our passion

Everything has changed a lot last ten years: surf, el palmar and ourselves.

Surfis no more a rare activity performed for long hair crazy guys. Now is a common , popular and fashionable sport

El Palmarhas become a trendy holidays destiny for people from all over the world looking for pristine beaches, outstanding food and warm weather

There were just three surfschools when we started teaching surf. Now you can find more than twenty in summer all along El Palmar coast. 9Pies was a hut with a few boards and Kike spreading the word.

Now we are a company teaching surf, hosting surfers at our surfcamps, advising friends at our cosy surfshop, hiring material.....and trying to keep the initial energy of 9Pies

Surf Camp Pack in Cadiz, Andalusia

9 Pies Surf El Palmar whatsapp